Please enjoy this book trailer for The Gypsy's Curse. For more information on the book, or to reserve your copy, go here. … [Read more...] about The Gypsy’s Curse – Book Trailer
The Gazette
18th Century Kitchen: A look inside Hannah Glasse’s 1765 cookbook
While working on the Adam Fletcher Adventure Series cookbook, I'm doing a good bit of research in cookbooks that were actually in use in the mid-to-late 18th century. Below is a transcription of the cover page for one of the most famous "receipt" (recipe) books of the era, Hannah Glasse's The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy. If you'd like to see the entire book for free as a PDF, click … [Read more...] about 18th Century Kitchen: A look inside Hannah Glasse’s 1765 cookbook
The Spanish Invasion of Beaufort: How slaves turned settlers became pawns in Spain’s hand
On Adam Fletcher's first day as an apprentice (in The Smuggler's Gambit), he is placed under the instruction of Boaz Brooks, senior cooper and second-in-charge at the shipping company. Adam learns that Boaz was also forced into an apprenticeship when he was younger. As they share their personal histories, one of the topics that arises is the 1747 Spanish invasion of Beaufort. In book 2, Captured … [Read more...] about The Spanish Invasion of Beaufort: How slaves turned settlers became pawns in Spain’s hand
Please Share: Old-fashioned Southern Recipes Wanted (from N.C., S.C., and Va.)
I hope you will share this post far and wide, as I'd like to get the word out about a very special project. I'm putting together a cookbook inspired by the Adam Fletcher Adventure Series and would love to get some recipes submitted from families with roots in eastern North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia — especially those from around the coastal regions. While I have many old recipes … [Read more...] about Please Share: Old-fashioned Southern Recipes Wanted (from N.C., S.C., and Va.)
From “The Universal Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure” (1759): How to keep your ship and crew healthy
While doing book research, I came upon an interesting article that was reprinted in several different publications in the 18th century. It was only credited as being written by M. Duhamel from the Memoires de Trevoux. I had no idea who M. Duhamel was, but after searching on Google, I learned his full name was Henri-Louise Duhamel du Monceaux (or Duhamel de Monceau), and he was a French … [Read more...] about From “The Universal Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure” (1759): How to keep your ship and crew healthy
Let Freedom Ring! Historical FAQ about Independence Day, the National Anthem, and July 4th celebrations
On today, July 4th, let's examine a few bits and pieces of history related to America's Independence and the patriotic displays that are still celebrated, nearly two and a half centuries after the birth of the United States. Why do we celebrate July 4th, and what are we celebrating? The Declaration of Independence, which stated the unanimous intent of the 13 American colonies to separate and … [Read more...] about Let Freedom Ring! Historical FAQ about Independence Day, the National Anthem, and July 4th celebrations
Place names in the Adam Fletcher Adventures
With three books out in the Adam Fletcher Adventure Series, I thought it would be a good idea to write a post about the place names used in the novels — especially since I don't always stick with the exact historical place names that were in use in the timeframe the books take place. While this might seem heretical for historical fiction, I thought long and hard about this before deciding to … [Read more...] about Place names in the Adam Fletcher Adventures
The Real Blackbeard: Get ready to have everything you thought you knew turned on its head
In The Smuggler's Gambit, one of the characters turns out to have a history with the pirate Blackbeard. As he recounts the experiences of his youth, he tells a different story than what legends and myths have had many of us believe over the years. I credit my good friend, Kevin Duffus, author of The Last Days of Black Beard the Pirate and North Carolina Historian of the Year (2015), with his … [Read more...] about The Real Blackbeard: Get ready to have everything you thought you knew turned on its head
Massachusetts Circular Letter (Originally written by Samuel Adams and James Otis, Jr. and passed by the Massachusetts House of Representatives)
Circular letter from the Massachusetts House of Representatives to the provincial legislatures in America Massachusetts. General Court February 11, 1768 From The Colonial Records of North Carolina, Volume 07, Pages 686-689 [From MS. Records in Office of Secretary of State.] Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, Feby 11th 1768. Sir [to the Speaker of the House of Assembly.] The … [Read more...] about Massachusetts Circular Letter (Originally written by Samuel Adams and James Otis, Jr. and passed by the Massachusetts House of Representatives)