The adventures begin with The Smuggler’s Gambit, when 17-year-old Adam Fletcher, who is no stranger to fist fights, bloodies the nose of Francis Smythe, the obnoxious son of Port Beaufort’s customs agent. The local magistrate offers Adam two choices: jail or an apprenticeship.
Choosing the latter, he soon finds himself bound apprentice to a reclusive old man with a secret, colorful past.
And there begins a series of entertaining and suspenseful tales that take Adam from his comfortable home at the Topsail Tavern and into many unique adventures.
Publishers Weekly has said, “Whitford delivers an enjoyable tale.”
Readers of all ages are loving these family-friendly novels. If you like fast-moving adventures, impetuous young heroes, suspense-filled plots, and a dash of romance, then you’ll love this entertaining series!